Booking General Medical Consultation

Local people of Bromley, Chislehurst, Petts Wood, Orpington can be seen on the day in the Pond’s pharmacy or book appointment online. If you cannot find available appointment, please call on 07932038011 or email and I will try my best to give you appointment on the day. Prescription issued immediately, if appropriate.

Typical Symptoms Treated

While is impossible to list all causes and symptoms for medical consultations, these tend to be the most common ones in general practice:

  • Respiratory and ENT (ears, nose and throat) system: Cold, cough, temperature, ear pain, sore throat, back pain, headache, tiredness, flu like symptoms, chest infection asthma, wheezing, congested sinuses, tonsilitis, mouth ulcers, nose bleeding.

  • Digestive system: Tummy aches and pains, upset tummy, vomiting, loose stools, reflux, indigestion.

  • Heart and blood vessels system: Blood pressure, increased cholesterol, weight gain, dizziness, light headiness, palpitations.

  • Women’s health: Heavy, painful and irregular periods, vaginal discharge, vaginal itchiness, vaginal soreness, contraception, perimenopause, menopause, post menopause, urinary tract infection (cystitis), blood in urine, increase urgency and frequency of urination, vaginal dryness.

  • Nervous system and mental health: Migraines, dizziness, lack of concentration and memory, anxiety, low mood, tearfulness, sleeping difficulties, depression.

  • Skin conditions: Dry, itchy skin, eczema, fungal skin conditions, psoriasis, moles, infected and discharging wounds/skin, insect bites.

  • Muscles and joints: Lower back pain, knee pain, shoulder and arm pain, restless legs, leg cramps.

  • Seasonal problems: Hay fever, itchy eyes, runny or blocked nose.

General Medical Consultations

Appointments Online £45.00

General Medical Consultations

Appointments in clinic £48.00

We do not provide emergency services, in case of any emergency please call 999 or go to AE immediately. Please see more details below.

Some signs for children to call 999 or go to AE.

A seizure or fit

Serious accident, burn or scalds.

Limp, floppy, unable to stay awake

Blue, grey, pale or blotchy skin, lips, palms or soles

Difficulty in breathing (choking, grunting, sucking stomach under their ribcage)

Rapid swelling of mouth, lips, tongue, throat

Heavy bleeding (spraying, making a puddle)

Self-harming or suicide attempt

Sudden confusion, agitation, crying non-stop, odd behaviour

Signs of stroke 

Seek urgent medical attention for adults if you notice these signs: Call 999 or go to AE.

Signs of heart attack (chest pain, pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across the chest)

Signs of stroke (face dropping on one side, cannot hold both arms up, difficulty in speaking)

Sudden confusion or delirium (not sure of own name)

Suicide attempt or self-harming 

Severe difficulty breathing (unable to speak, choking, gasping)

Severe bleeding (pouring, spraying or enough to make a puddle)

Serious accident, severe injuries, burns

Seizure or fit (jerking, shaking, cannot be woken up)

Sudden, rapid swelling of lips, tongue, eyes

“My main goal is to empower women going through their hormonal journey. By providing personalised care and guidance, I would like to take women out of a burn out state and guide them onto a fired-up path, igniting their passion for life.”

– Mrs Gitana Paskauskiene Founder