Our Patient Journey

We are delighted that you have chosen Journey of a Woman for your menopause care and looking forward to meeting you via video or in person. Your initial consultation will include a comprehensive assessment of symptoms. Together, we will develop a personalized treatment plan that includes advice on hormonal and non-hormonal treatments, complementary and alternative therapy options, lifestyle review, cardiovascular and osteoporosis risk assessment. 

We always follow British Menopause Society and NICE guidelines for perimenopause and menopause consultations, including HRT and Testosterone prescribing. You will receive a copy of our consultation notes and the same copy will be send to the NHS GP. Please kindly note that all patients are required to be in the UK at the time of your consultation.

Please email us on info@journeyofawoman.co.uk or call on 07932038011, if you have any questions.

What happens at your consultation?

For any woman, hormonal imbalance can be a confusing and challenging time, silently affecting their quality of life.

The Journey of a Woman Clinic is all about us going through the journey together and creating a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs. We’re here to assist and provide care for any symptoms you may be experiencing.

We’ve provided a basic outline of what occurs during your consultation and we value your feedback and welcome ideas on how we can better assist you.

Please get in touch by email info@journeyofawoman.co.uk or calling on 07 9320 38011.

  • To schedule a new patient consultation, simply book an online or in-person appointment at your convenience. If you can’t find a suitable time, please contact us via our online form or call/text us on 07932038011.

    Prior to the consultation, we will send you a medical history and symptom chart questionnaire. It is worth putting as much detail as you can, which allows us to create a holistic approach full management plan and optimise our time together.

    It would be helpful if you could have your blood pressure (if increased, we will briefly discuss the following steps) and weight details, as well as NHS GP address.

  • With us, the patient always comes first. During the initial consultation, which can take up to 45-60 minutes, we will take time to discuss your symptoms, concerns and explain their underlying causes. We are guided by British Menopause Society and NICE guidelines to ensure you receive evidence-based options tailored to your individual needs. We will discuss and advise you on a range of treatments, including hormonal and non-hormonal options, alternative and complementary therapies and lifestyle changes including sleep, exercise, mental health, weight management. Lifestyle is a big part of managing menopause in the long term, therefore cannot be missed in our consultation.

    We will discuss the importance of bones protection, prevention of osteoporosis and fractures, as well as menopause impact on woman’s heart. This will help to understand why women are at increased risk for serious heart matters such as heart attack, stroke, increase blood pressure.

    If you have had any bloods done, we can discuss the results, if appropriate. Or we will advise if blood test needs to be done.

    We will make sure to answer all your questions and provide you with the guidance and information you need to decide about your care and treatment. Prescription can be issued on the same appointment, if applicable.

    We will send you a complimentary email after one month to check your progress and this also gives you an opportunity to ask a question if necessary.

  • Our goal is to create a personalised treatment plan together based on your unique needs. We may prescribe HRT or non-hormonal treatments, depending on what is appropriate for you.

    If necessary, we may recommend additional investigations or assessments. Following the initial consultation, we will recommend follow up consultations and ongoing care package. We are here for you, as long as and when you need us.

    You will get a copy of our consultation within 2 weeks of the appointment date. The same copy will be sent to the NHS GP within 2 weeks, which is important for continuation of care, if necessary. For this reason, we will ask you to provide NHS GP address and your consent to contact them.

  • Blood tests are not always necessary, (link for blood tests) but many symptoms can be overlapping with other medical conditions. Some women may have anaemia or low vitamin D or B12, increased cholesterol or changes in the thyroid function.

    We have a comprehensive profile of Ultimate Well Woman Blood Profile and full report is based on your results, together with advice and action plan, if necessary.

    Usually takes about 2-5 days to get results, but if your request is urgent, please let us know in advance.

    Prices and location for blood tests are available here.

  • We see women of all ages and can help with:

    • Symptoms of perimenopause, menopause and post menopause

    • HRT reviewing and prescribing

    • Testosterone prescribing and monitoring

    • Low libido possible causes and treatment

    • Blood test and review of the results

    • Contraception review and choices

    • Guidance about non hormonal therapy

    • Vaginal and bladder problems (frequent urination, soreness, discomfort)

    • Any other questions related to hormonal changes such as review blood pressure or cholesterol levels, causes for tiredness, causes for weight gain

    We cannot treat women with past or existing history with breast cancer or being on the active treatment for any other cancer at the time of consultation.

“My main goal is to empower women going through their hormonal journey. By providing personalised care and guidance, I would like to take women out of a burn out state and guide them onto a fired-up path, igniting their passion for life.”

– Mrs Gitana Paskauskiene Founder